07880 707 565 
See all the services Connect Coaching offers
One-on-One Life Coaching for Neurodivergent Individuals
Get personalised coaching to help you unlock your potential and embrace your unique strengths. Together, we'll work on building your confidence and understanding your neurodivergent identity, so you can feel more positive and comfortable in your own skin. Whether you're looking to develop new skills, set achievable goals, or simply feel more at ease with who you are, this coaching is here to support you every step of the way. You'll be empowered to be your authentic self in all areas of your life.
Personalised Career Coaching for Neurodivergent Individuals
Get support to reclaim your career potential and find the path that’s right for you. I will work with you to focus on your unique strengths and challenges, helping you work through any career obstacles.

Working in partnership, we'll redefine your professional identity and look at career goals that truly fit who you are.
 One on one support for young adults
I work with you as a young adult to explore your neurodivergent identity, helping you build stronger relationships with the people around you. We'll also work on setting clear goals and finding practical strategies that make it easier for you to achieve them. This can include navigating school, work, or personal life, giving  you the tools and support you need to move forward with confidence and clarity.
Workplace Solutions
I work with you to enhance your organisation’s inclusivity and productivity by providing workplace solutions. This service offers workplace assessments, tailored training, and expert consultancy to improve neurodivergent awareness and support within your team.

I’ll work with you to create a work environment where neurodivergent employees can thrive, helping your organisation benefit from diverse strengths and perspectives. By building an inclusive culture, we will work together to ensure your team can work more effectively together, leading to greater success for everyone.